Humor – Estland – Rekommenderade podcasts

  • Ann Vaida ja Märt Belkin räägivad uudistest, mis neile nädala jooksul silma jäid.

  • Kaks ja pool aju podcasti teevad kaks ja pool stand-up (endist) koomikut, kelle saadetel pole absoluutselt mitte mingisugust sisulist mõtet ega eesmärki. Tõenäoliselt me seame selle saatega ohtu oma karjäärid ja võimalused kunagi poliitikasse minna. Uhkust tunneme selle üle, et ükski podcast pole rohkem demograafilisi gruppe välja vihastanud.

    Saateid teevad Steven Tiirk, Tauri Einberg ja Piibe Kirke Aljas

    NB! Episoodies on väga palju irooniat, mis ei peegelda saate tegijate päris seisukohti!

    Saade ei sobi lastele

    Kirjuta meile huvitavaid lugusid: [email protected]

  • pidime alustama aastal 2056, aga näed, kus joppas. alustasime hoopis 34 aastat varem. podcast, kus andrei zevakin & robin valting hämavad midagi mikritesse.
    mis siin toimub podcastis räägime elust-enesest, meelelahutusest ja kutsume ka põnevaid külalisi.

    jälgi meid:

  • Millistel teemadel sina oma sõbrannaga vestled ja kas oled vahel tundnud, et nii põnevad vestlused ei tohiks jääda saladuseks. Meie oleme sõbrannad Maria Sepp & Kerly Vahur ning soovime jagame teiega omavahelisi vestlusi, milles arutleme erinevatel elulistel teemadel väga avameelselt ja ausalt. Elu on põnev ja jagamist väärt, tule kuula mida kaks sõbrannat räägivad. Kuulamiseks võta kaasa avatud meel ja soovi korral jaga meile ka enda mõtteid. [email protected] Instagram: @s6brannadpodcast

  • "Mis värk sellega on?" podcast on Eesti esimene ja ainus Twitteris sündinud podcast. Genka, Daki & Liisi arutavad igas saates erinevate pealtnäha argiste teemade üle, et aru saada: mis värk siis nendega ikkagi on?Saate helipea autor on Taavet Niller.Toeta meid: saab kontakti [email protected].

  • ”Pohmellipäev Mattias Naaniga” on täpselt see, mis esialgu tundub: päeval, mil Mattias Naanil (või podcasti kuulajal) on pohmell, on ta surutud mikrofoni ette ja rohkemat ei oskagi praegu lisada ega lubada.

  • Saade, kuhu ma kutsun külla inimesi, kes mulle huvi pakuvad ja kelle tegemiste kohta tahaks rohkem teada saada!

  • The group of boys from the channel sweetea, going against each other debating the most insane and widely talked about topics of the world.

  • The Big Three is Donut's new podcast that examines the latest car news, racing headlines, and anything noteworthy in the automotive landscape. A perfect weekly update for anyone even slightly interested in cars, The Big Three is an entertaining glimpse into an inclusive yet opinionated world.  Join hosts James Pumphrey, Nolan Sykes and Joe Weber as they provide their lighthearted perspective on the hottest and weirdest automotive trends. The only car podcast you’ll ever need, aside from our other podcast, Past Gas. New episodes every Wednesday.
    For advertising opportunities please email [email protected]  
    We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: 
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  • Hosted by Kelin Daugherty and Leah Nielsen, Sorta 'Splained is a weekly podcast that delves into curious and peculiar subjects. From history to science to pop culture, Kelin and Leah will just sort of explain something of interest to each other.

    Please find all of our great sources for our research here:

  • Join Charles & Christopher as they give solicited bad advice that no one should be taking seriously.

    Email the show! [email protected]

  • Verified Thoughts is a weekly podcast where Luis, Omar, and Summer talk about funny stories and give opinions on the most random topics.

  • You may not know us yet, but we're basically famous...and always in on the joke. This isn't our first rodeo so we've learned a thing or two and one things for certain: Our lives may look different, but we all deal with the same shit. Welcome to our digital diary, where we're taking our notoriety to the mic and no topic is off limits. Each week, we'll laugh over life's bullshit, share our hot takes and make one of you basically famous too! Need advice? Want to get something off your chest? Or maybe you want to find out if you're the asshole in a situation? Call or text the hotline at 919-867-6776 for your moment in the spotlight.  xoxo, Spencer & Wendy

  • This podcast is indescribably sh*tty, but we’ll take a stab at describing it. Riding high on the success of Jackass Forever, Poopies wanted to make a podcast for all of his adoring fans. The only problem is that Poopies is, without a doubt, the worst podcast host in the entire world. Straw Hut Media felt bad for the guy, so we decided to take a risk and create THE SHITTIEST PODCAST. Just like Poopies, this podcast is a little bit all over the place, and each week you can expect a range of topics like chicks, dicks, surfing, Hawaii, stunts, music, skating, comedy, and a whole lot of other shenanigans. So now that you know what you’re getting yourself into, dive on into THE SHITTIEST PODCAST.

    Produced By: Tyler Nielsen & Ryan Tillotson
    Written By Frank Driscoll & Tyler Nielsen
    Narrated By Narrator
    From Straw Hut Media

  • oh hey we're nicole and yasmin, just here to talk about life and stuff.
    if you relate, find a therapist #help #selfcare

  • Morning Brew is a weekly discussion between three longtime friends. Each member brings a topic to the table over a cup of coffee, which tends to derail pretty quickly.

  • Afters is your new podcast featuring Scotland's Drag queens, Raspberry, Regina Gorg and Giselle Chance. This podcast is basically like all those chats you have at some random persons house after a night out. There will be funny stories, campy-ness and a whole lot of opinions. So embrace yourself cause it's going to be sickening!

  • "Я и Балтия" это подкаст от комиков из творческого объединения СТЕНД UP ЭСТОNIA. Название, в некотором роде, отражает суть подкаста: ребята из Эстонии будут затрагивать темы, касающиеся простых людей, как в Балтии, так и во всём Мире. Но это не точно.

    Присоединяйтесь к нашему подкасту, если вам интересно услышать, чем живут комики Балтии, послушать шутки на серьёзные темы и душные размышления о юморе и если у вас есть 40-60 минут в неделю, которые не с кем провести.
    Подкаст предназначен для слушателей старше 18 лет и носит исключительно развлекательный характер.

  • Unhinged is an off the rails, no seatbelts ride with comedian Chris Klemens. Chris gives his irreverent takes on timely topics both serious and trivial, with unexpected company stopping by to spill the deets. Think of Unhinged with Chris Klemens as the love child that Watch What Happens L!ve and Fashion Police never knew they needed.

  • I'm Quitting Alcohol, is a 5 minute daily podcast by comedian David Boyle. Join Boyle as he transitions from Alcoholic maniac to sober lunatic and attempts to process the past 20 years of booze soaked mayhem. To listen from DAY 1 head to SPOTIFY.